
In order to follow all the activities of the project as well as its results, we invite you to follow the facebook page:


No. crt. Date Activity Description of the activity Link




15.04.2021 5.1. Promotion of the project Launch of the Gloria project a partnership between the Institute of Forensic Medicine, the Center for Community Mediation and Security, the Corona Foundation, the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men – ANES, Foreningen HEDDA.



29.04.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Promotion of services in the territory with the involvement of the authorities from the commune Ciorteşti, jud. Iaşi County







13.05.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Promotion activity in the commune of Cozmeşti, jud. Iasi, initiated by project partner Corona Foundation






25.05.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Meetings to promote services in popricani commune, jud. Iasi, initiated by the partner Corona Foundation with potential beneficiaries of the project







3.3. Conducting training sessions


Training session in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence of the first volunteers of the Center for Community Mediation and Security Foundation





13.06.2021 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence of the first volunteers of the Center for Community Mediation and Security Foundation





18.06.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Meetings to promote services in the commune of Țigănași, jud. Iasi, initiated by the partner Corona Foundation with potential beneficiaries of the project






03.07.2021 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence of professionals who interact with victims of domestic violence or who provide specialized services to this vulnerable group


18.09.2021 2.2. Specialised services in victim assistance and counselling centre VDsG Parenting education session with beneficiaries of gloria project, session that had as theme the reconnection to our good





18.09.2021 2.3. Educational program addressed to child victims / witnesses of VDsG Session with the children-beneficiaries carried out within the Educational Program, a session that had as theme the expression of feelings using techniques from art-therapy





21.09.2021 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session of professionals-social workers interacting with victims of domestic violence





11.11.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Meetings to promote services in Costuleni commune, jud. Iasi, initiated by the partner Corona Foundation with potential beneficiaries of the project






26.11.2021 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Street campaign in collaboration with IPJ Iasi – Police Station 3 by distributing leaflets to promote the free services offered through the project






14.12.2021 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence of professionals who interact with victims of domestic violence or who provide specialized services to this vulnerable group





14.01.2022 5.1. Promotion of the project Event for the presentation of the partial results obtained after a period of 1 year of project implementation, an event attended by representatives of key public and / or private institutions that work or interact with victims of domestic and gender-based violence.





18.01.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Activity to promote the project among adolescents from rural areas – Vocational School “Ionel Teodoreanu” Victoria to understand, conceptualize and identify domestic violence, activity initiated by project partners Corona Foundation and CMSC






22.01.2022 2.3. Educational program addressed to child victims / witnesses of VDsG Session with the children-beneficiaries carried out within the Educational Program, a session that had as theme the development of free and open expression skills






31.01.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Promotion of the project in mass media by the president of the Center for Mediation and Community Security Foundation





04.02.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Meetings to promote services in the commune of Lungani, jud. Iasi, initiated by the partner CMSC Foundation with representatives of the local authority






14.02.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Street information campaign on domestic violence by distributing leaflets with information about the services offered through the Gloria project, services that support the victims of domestic violence.





10.03.2022 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session for a new group of professionals interacting and/or working with victims of domestic violence.





12.03.2022 2.2. Educational program addressed to child victims / witnesses of VDsG Session with the children-beneficiaries carried out within the Educational Program, a session that had as theme the development of the skills of expressing emotions, verbal and non-verbal expression.





18.03.2022 3.1 Transfer ofgood practice I visited working Norway. Part of the project team participated in the working visit to Norway for 5 days to obtain information on the intervention models used by the institutions providing services to victims of domestic violence in Norway





24.03.2022 3.3. Conducting training sessions Training session for a new group of professionals interacting and/or working with victims of domestic violence.





30.03.2022 2.3. Educational program addressed to child victims / witnesses of VDsG Session with the children-beneficiaries carried out within the Educational Program, session that had as theme the self-image – our business card





12.04.2022 2.2. Specialised services in victim assistance and counselling centre VDsG Support group for the beneficiaries of the project who left the abuzive relations, a group initiated by the psychologist Fto C.M.S.C..





13.04.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Meetings to promote services in dumeşti commune, jud. Iasi, initiated by the partner CMSC Foundation with representatives of the local authority





14.04.2022 3.3. Conducting training sessions Itis a training session with a new group of professionals who interact and/or work with victims of domestic violence.





12.05.2022 3.3. Conducting training sessions Itis a training session with a new group of professionals who interact and/or work with victims of domestic violence.





24.05.2022 1.1. Promotion of the program in the territory – actions of community involvement Street campaign carried out by partners C.M.S.C Foundation and Corona Foundation – in collaboration with the Police – 3 Police Station Iasi, on the occasion of “Week of CRIME PREVENTION”