Employment and training


The services are aimed at victims of domestic and gender-based violence who want and need help to rebuild their lives in the sense of professional development, the acquisition of autonomy and financial security.

What people who reach the organization can learn from us:

  • What does it mean to have a job and what are the advantages of being employed with an individual employment contract;
  • What are the rights and obligations of the employee;
  • Where and how to look for a job;
  • How to make a resume, a cover letter and how to prepare for a job interview;
  • What are the jobs they can access;
  • What training courses can do to get a better paid job;
  • What are the skills, abilities and skills they need to develop in order to acquire a well-paid job or to advance in their careers;
  • What it means to have your own business;
  • What are the resources you need to open a business;
  • Where and how to look for financing for the business they want.

What people who participate in our service program can learn:

  • To (re)acquire self-confidence and self-esteem; To evaluate correctly and realistically their employment/employment capacity;
  • Communicate better;
  • To discover their personal skills and resources and to integrate them into the professional context;
  • To use the computer and work in various IT programs;
  • Learn new trades through the qualification courses in which he participates;
  • Acquire new skills, skills and abilities through the formal and informal courses in which they participate;
  • Learn how to open and manage a business;
  • They become proactive in the labour market.

The services are offered free of charge, are personalized and meet the specific needs of each person registered in the program. As far as possible, the services shall be delivered in the vicinity of the living space of the beneficiaries. Any travel costs are settled in the project. Food is provided for the days when the beneficiaries participate in the activities of the service program (counseling sessions, personal development, information and professional guidance, mediation, professional training, etc.) and support packages and prizes in objects are provided.